Atlast: the pink box

Atlast: the pink box

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"Atlast, the Awakening of a Pink Box" is a children's book - the first book of a trilogy. It is written for children, ages 7 to 10. It is an autobiographical fable, written by Paula Mazzola.

Synopsis: Clara is a seven-year-old girl whose family is well-off. The story's setting is her grandparents' homestead, called "Atlast." This farm allows her the freedom to roam and let her imagination soar as she observes nature's wonders.
On the homestead, Clara enjoys the fragrance of flowers and the flavor of various fruits and vegetables. She observes insects in the garden, and animals raised by her grandparents. She collects a variety of bugs and other insects and takes good care of them. The story becomes more elaborate and metaphoric when describing a dream of Clara's.
The dream sequence is set inside the pink wooden box her grandfather gave to her for her birthday to keep her insect collection in. In this dream, Clara suddenly turns into a caterpillar and finds herself trapped inside this box. In order to free herself, she will have to transform into a butterfly, so she can escape from the box by flying through a crack in the lid.
The story becomes amusing. Each little bug in the box has its own features and personality. Each helps little Clara in this new phase of her life. She experiences the life of an insect first-hand. She understands the joy they feel, as well as grief brought on by loss and parting. She learns many valuable lessons by living with other insects: patience, perseverance, encouragement, togetherness, friendship, authenticity, flexibility, fear of the unknown, presence, diversity, enchantment, spirituality, magic, faith and acceptance. At the end, an unexpected outcome awaits!
"Atlast" is a book not only for children, but an inspiration for grown-ups as well. It is a valuable resource for adults searching not only for their inner child, but their genuine and unique identity. It assists in awakening the purest qualities of their own essence, through memory and fantasy.

Paula Mazzola is a psychopedagogist, an equotherapist, a social entrepreneur, and an author. She specializes in childhood education.

Ms. Mazzola manages social-environmental and educational projects. She created the "PICNIC" tool and founded ASTERA Initiative.
She works with ONG's (Non-Governmental Organizations). She develops social projects and consultation services in various Brazilian states – specializing in social inclusion, connection with nature, organic agriculture, and diversity and sustainability.
She participates in various courses, forums, and self-knowledge conferences, held nationally and internationally. A few of these include conferences on mindfulness, spirituality, and childhood education in schools integrated with nature.
"Atequenfim" (Atlast, The Awakening of a Pink Box) is her first children's book and also the first book of a trilogy. It is an autobiographical fable.

Detalhes do Livro

jun 2019

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