Blume, the loyal puppy

Blume, the loyal puppy

R$24,00 BRL
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Blume, the loyal puppy - approaches the issue of loyalty and responsibility for life, of any nature. Sadness arises from decisions described in the book, which makes the mediator analyze hypotheses in the life of the reading / listening child. Why were these decisions taken and not others? Sadness is a feeling that must be ackowloedged and felt, because it is part of life. How to accept it? How to make it another ally for life?
The collection "The 7 Virtues – Stories from Hawk`s Little Ranch was created to motivate parents and educators to tell stories to children, motivating them to think about human values.
The characters, personified animals, represent the virtues and tell stories of the folklore of the State of Minas Gerais – Brazil, as well as legends, myths and manifestation of a culture. All stories in the book are based on true events that happened at the ranch of the author's ranch.
It's a collection of children's books, with stories based on the folklore of the Center-West of Minas Gerais State. Through humanized animals, the author not only records the oral history, but also rescues values such as respect, honesty, solidarity, endurance, generosity and friendship, dating back to the time of Grandma, but always needed for proper social coexistence.

Detalhes do Livro

set 2022

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