Brazil and its Perspectives on The Climate, Digital-Technological and Biological Ages

Brazil and its Perspectives on The Climate, Digital-Technological and Biological Ages

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What choices should we make for Brazil today?

Imagine yourself in a debate room with the five authors of this book: Francisco Gaetani, Extraordinary Secretary for State Transformation; Izabella Teixeira, former Minister of the Environment and global authority on climate change; Marcello Brito, executive and Coordinator of the Global Agro-Environmental Center at Foundação Dom Cabral; Roberto S. Waack, business executive and advisor; and Samela Sateré Mawé, indigenous communicator and activist.

Provocative, this book offers wide-ranging reflections on Brazil's future, addressing economic, political, environmental and social issues in the current global context. The topics discussed are such as environmental and climate imbalances, political tensions and global uncertainties, the need to modernize the Brazilian State, strategic agendas involving food production, valuing biodiversity with social inclusion and the role of indigenous peoples.

Throughout the word, dialogue between different fields is presented as an essential element for strengthening democracy. The authors sign the book collectively, indicating that working together is possible and necessary. Connecting different perspectives also implies seeking a balance between rationality and sensitivity. In this sense, Josias Marinho Casadecaba's delicate artwork dialogues with the book, inviting the reader to explore between the lines a restless and incomplete vision of the future.

The foreword, signed by political scientist Mônica Sodré, contextualizes the moment of this book's arrival in history and reinforces its invitation to the questions and choices that will need to be made if we want other realities.

Detalhes do Livro

set 2024

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